Is your teenager or young adult struggling to find their path in school or life?

Are they unsure of their goals or how to achieve them? Our academic performance and accountability coaching program for teens and young adults is the solution you've been searching for.



Our coaching programs have helped our Teen superstars get accepted to:


The Four Core Coaching Domains:

Equip your teen with the essential academic skills, vision, and growth mindset necessary to succeed in any situation.

Teen working with a 24/7 Teach academic accountability coach to improve their reading, writing, communication skills for better academic results.

Reading, Writing, and Communication

Improve your teen's skills in Reading and Writing for academic and life success.

Teen working with a 24/7 Teach academic accountability coach to improve their Math, Logic, and Computations skills.

Math, Logic, and Computations

Boost your teen's Mathematical abilities to ensure academic and lifelong achievement.

Teen working with a 24/7 Teach academic accountability coach to improve their Science, Technology, and Creativity skills for better academic results.

Science, Technology, and Creativity

Help your teen excel in Science, research, and innovation beyond the classroom.

Teen working with a 24/7 Teach academic accountability coach to develop their direction, purpose, mindset for better life results.

Direction, Purpose, and Mindset

Help your teen get clarity and find their direction in life through vision, mission, and purpose.



Access the latest Study Skill Training For Teens news and Resources:



Your Teen will be more accountable and have:



Some of our Success Stories:



Choose the Live 1-on-1 Coaching Program that supports your Teen’s Goals:

Image and icon for  24/7 Teach’s Essentials Academic Accountability for Teens’ highly-rated Advanced Program benefits:  Ten 1:1 online sessions, expert mentorship, and project-based learning for teen academic development.

Investment: $1695

* Payment Plans Available - See Below



* 10 - 1:1 sessions with a dedicated Coach

* Access to Unlimited Weekly Group Sessions

* Includes a Self-Guided Course and Resources

* Access to the 24/7 Mentorship Community

Icon of of a mentor and mentee symbolizing 24/7 Teach’s Advanced Academic Accountability for Teens’ highly-rated Advanced Program benefits: Expert mentoring, 40 intensive live 1:1 online sessions, and a track record of success in academic coaching.

Investment: $8035

* Payment Plans Available - See Below



* 40 - 1:1 sessions with a dedicated Coach

* Access to Unlimited Weekly Group Sessions

* Access to 2 Guided Community Service Projects

* Access to a 10-session Life Skill Seminar

* Access to a 14-session Pathway to College program - (For learners 14 years old and up)

* Access to 3 Reading Masterminds

* Access to a 4-week Virtual Summer Camp (For learners 11 to 15 years old)

* Access to 2 Summer Career Skill Internships (For learners 16 years old and up)

* Skill and Performance Results Guarantee

* Access to College Planning

* Parent Coaching Sessions

Icon of a person with stars above, symbolizing 24/7 Teach's Academic Accountability for Teens  Elevate Program's benefits: 14 personalized online sessions, expert mentoring, and project-based learning.

Investment: $2495

*Payment Plans Available - See Below



* 14 - 1:1 sessions with a dedicated Coach

* Access to Unlimited Weekly Group Sessions

* Access to High school or College Admissions Planning

* Access to 1 Reading Mastermind

* Access to 1 Guided Community Service Project or Career Skill Internship

* Parent Coaching Sessions


Header image stating 'Payment Plans and Financing' with the 24/7 Teach logo, indicating flexible options for program tuition.

Payment Options:

Transform your Teen’s Life without straining your wallet.

Text image with 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' and the 24/7 Teach logo, ensuring quality education services.

Guaranteed Results:

We go the Extra Mile to ensure Success, and we work with you until the job is done.

Text image with 'Discounts Available' text and the 24/7 Teach logo, indicating special offers on educational programs.

We Encourage Groups:

Save more with Siblings, Groups of Three or More, and if you are a School.



Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Academic performance and accountability coaching focuses on helping teens develop essential skills and habits that contribute to their overall success, not only in academics but also in other aspects of their lives.

    Our approach involves working closely with the teen to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and goals. We then create a personalized plan that addresses specific needs, promotes personal responsibility, and fosters a growth mindset.

    Some key areas that academic coaching covers include:

    • Time management: Helping teens develop effective strategies for organizing their schedule and prioritizing tasks.

    • Goal-setting: Assisting in setting realistic and achievable short-term and long-term goals.

    • Study skills: Enhancing techniques for note-taking, active reading, and studying for exams.

    • Motivation: Boosting intrinsic motivation and finding ways to maintain it.

    • Problem-solving: Equipping teens with strategies to address challenges and overcome obstacles.

    • Decision-making: Guiding teens in making informed choices and understanding consequences.

    • Self-discipline: Encouraging self-control and consistency in daily habits.

    On the other hand, tutoring focuses primarily on providing academic assistance in a specific subject area. A tutor's primary goal is to help students understand and master the course material, clarify doubts, and improve their grades. Tutoring often involves reviewing class materials, explaining concepts, and providing guidance on homework assignments and test preparation.

    While both academic performance coaching and tutoring aim to improve a student's academic performance, they address different aspects of the learning process. Academic coaching provides a more comprehensive approach to personal growth and skill development, while tutoring focuses on subject-specific knowledge and problem-solving.

    In summary, academic performance coaching is designed to build a strong foundation of learning skills, habits, and mindset that will benefit the student in all aspects of their academic life, whereas tutoring is more targeted towards overcoming challenges in specific subjects.

  • This service is ideal for teenagers or young adults (ages 11-21) who are looking to improve their academic performance, personal development, social skills, or any other area they want to excel in. It can also help teens and young adults struggling with motivation, time management, or goal-setting. Parents can also benefit from the sessions if they participate.

  • Yes, we offer a guarantee because we believe in the results we can achieve with your Teen.

    • Our Guarantee is simple: We will continue to work with your Teen until the agreed-upon results are achieved.

  • The duration of the coaching process depends on the individual's goals and progress. Some teens may see significant improvements within a few weeks or months, and others may require longer-term coaching to reach their desired outcomes. The coaching relationship is flexible and can be adjusted to suit your Teen’s needs



Get the results you want for your Teen starting today.