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My Personal Journey from Classroom Teacher to Instructional Designer - Embracing the Architect's Mindset

By: Samantha DiNoto Nally

24/7 Instructional Design Superstar

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Classroom Teacher to Instructional Designer - Embracing the Architect's Mindset Powered by 24/7 Teach

From Classroom Teaching to Instructional Design and the Architect’s Mindset:

As a former classroom teacher who successfully transitioned into a fulfilling career as an instructional designer, I can personally attest to the paradigm shift that one must undergo to adapt effectively to this new role. The journey from educator to instructional designer requires a change in mindset, specifically adopting what I like to call the “architect’s mindset.” In this blog post, I will share my personal experience of making this crucial mindset shift, the challenges I faced along the way, and how it ultimately enabled me to excel in the field of instructional design.

If you’re a teacher looking to leave the classroom and become an instructional designer, this post is for you. It will also serve as an introduction to 24/7 Teach’s instructional design boot camp, which can help you embark on a successful and rewarding career in instructional design. Before diving into my personal journey, let me first explain what the architect’s mindset entails. In the realm of instructional design, the architect’s mindset refers to the ability to envision and design learning experiences from a bird’s-eye view, similar to how an architect conceptualizes and designs buildings. This mindset requires a shift from focusing solely on the delivery of content to strategically designing the entire learning experience, taking into consideration the learners’ needs, context, and desired outcomes.

As a classroom teacher, my primary focus was on delivering engaging and informative lessons to my students daily. However, as an instructional designer, my role evolved into creating comprehensive learning experiences that extend beyond the confines of the classroom. This required a new way of thinking, where I needed to consider the bigger picture and design learning experiences that catered to a diverse array of learners, contexts, and objectives. I vividly remember the day I decided to transition from classroom teacher to instructional designer. I was passionate about education, but I felt the need to make a more significant impact on learners beyond my primary classroom. Especially after the COVID-19 outbreak, where I found myself shifting to online learning, I felt that many doors and opportunities opened up for me as someone with a degree in education. After conducting extensive research, I discovered the field of instructional design and immediately felt drawn to it. I knew this was the path I wanted to pursue, but I also realized that making the shift wouldn’t be easy. I even tried applying to jobs with my experience but didn’t receive any callbacks. Initially, I struggled with letting go of my teacher mindset, as it had been ingrained in me for years. I was accustomed to creating lesson plans, managing classroom dynamics, and engaging with students on a personal level. However, this wasn’t enough to land a job in the field.

As an instructional designer, my focus needed to shift toward designing complete learning experiences, considering various learning theories, instructional design models, and multimedia tools. I had to step back and think like an architect, crafting a blueprint for a learning experience that was adaptable, scalable, and effective. I also needed to learn software programs, multimedia tools, and other various skills. To successfully transition, I needed to learn about the different learning theories, instructional design models, and technologies used in the field. I also had to embrace the idea of working with diverse stakeholders, including subject matter experts, graphic designers, and project managers. This required developing new skills in communication, collaboration, and project management. I was no longer just dealing with the education of children between the ages of 12-18. Now my clientele could be a broad range of individuals, and the people expecting me to help them reach their goals were big corporations and not simply the Department of Education.

Making the shift
To learn these necessary skills, I enrolled in an instructional design bootcamp. Until then, as I stated earlier, I had found it next to impossible to land a job outside the classroom. One job post I looked at even said, “Teachers need not apply”... That’s when I knew I needed assistance. The Instructional Design Bootcamp gave me the foundational knowledge and practical skills required to excel in this field. As I progressed through the boot camp, I started to understand the importance of the architect’s mindset and how it could help me create transformative learning experiences for my learners. I began to view instructional design as an opportunity to make a broader impact on learners and organizations by designing solutions tailored to their unique needs and contexts.

As I fully embraced the architect’s mindset, I found that my approach to designing learning experiences became more strategic, innovative, and learner-centric. I was able to analyze the needs of various stakeholders, identify gaps in knowledge or skills, and design solutions that addressed those gaps effectively. I started to see the bigger picture, understanding how each learning experience contributed to an organization's overall success or individual learners' personal growth. Adopting the architect’s mindset not only made me a better instructional designer but also allowed me to make a more significant impact on the lives of my learners. I could create learning experiences that were engaging, relevant, and transformative, empowering learners to reach their full potential and achieve their goals. Additionally, it was easier to accept letting go of my identity as a teacher because I felt that I was still doing a job that was just as important.

How 24/7 Teach’s Instructional Design Bootcamps Can Help You Make the Shift
If you’re a classroom teacher looking to transition into instructional design, I highly recommend considering 24/7 Teach’s instructional design bootcamps. These bootcamps provide a comprehensive, hands-on learning experience that will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to excel as an instructional designer. The bootcamps cover essential topics such as learning theories, instructional design models, and multimedia tools while also focusing on the development of soft skills like communication, collaboration, and project management. Most importantly, the bootcamps emphasize the importance of the architect’s mindset, providing you with the guidance and support needed to make the critical shift from classroom teacher to instructional designer. That, plus the hands-on experiences, will leave you feeling more than ready to make the permanent shift.

I hope I’ve made it clear that making the transition from classroom teacher to instructional designer requires a paradigm shift, where one must embrace the architect’s mindset to design comprehensive and effective learning experiences. I know this can be daunting, but I’m here to tell you that it’s doable! As a former educator who successfully made this shift, I can attest to the importance of adopting this mindset and the rewards that come with it. I can also personally say that it was the best decision that I’ve ever made. Classroom teaching has changed in the past decade, and I found myself increasingly depressed and burnt out, not to mention struggling financially. I’m so thankful that I found Instructional Design and can now live a life of peace and prosperity while still making a difference in the world. If you’re considering a career in instructional design, 24/7 Teach’s instructional design bootcamps can provide you with the knowledge, skills, and support needed to make a successful transition. Invest in your future, and unlock your true potential as an instructional designer with 24/7 Teach.

Need Guidance on Navigating the Shift to Instructional Design?

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