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Project Profile: The Green City Movement

Globally, we are experiencing a paradigm shift, whether or not it seems evident in America at this time.  

True visionaries see cities and communities shifting from carbon-based energy resources to renewable energy. Urban areas are transforming into more eco-friendly environments: becoming walkable cities with net-zero energy buildings, for example.  

These are not just empty visions, but rather part of a movement relating to the establishment of “green cities” that deliberately plan for the reduction or elimination of toxic air pollutants that have contributed to climate change.  

Earth Talk defined the movement as:

... a loose association of cities focused on sustainability, the emerging "green cities movement" encompasses thousands of urban areas around the world all striving to lessen their environmental impacts by reducing waste, expanding recycling, lowering emissions, increasing housing density while expanding open space, and encouraging the development of sustainable local businesses.”

Green City Project Based Learning

As the Instructional Design & Delivery Director here at 24/7, I have designed a Project Based Learning (PBL) course for high school students around the concept of a green city. By way of research, planning, and engineering, students encapsulate the elements of an eco-city in a 3-D green city model.  

This is not a new project idea, but an updated, robust, and progressive version, which includes:

  • exploring the chemistry of the atmosphere and air pollution,

  • researching net-zero energy buildings that are being erected in cities around the world, and

  • incorporating the physics of photovoltaic systems and other green energy technology, such as wind and solar farms.  

Not only do students research the science, but they also build miniature models of renewable energy that they will use to power their green city model. We even use some video game technology, such as Minecraft and simulations, which allow them to visualize a futuristic city that exemplifies healthy urban development. The project also requires learners to consider the physics of electrical currents and grid systems.  

This is an interactive and hands-on experience that provides real-life lessons in chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering. More importantly, learners get to approach a real-world problem and contribute to the green city movement in their own way.

This project is just one example of how Project Based Learning contributes to global ingenuity and allows students to become problem solvers. PBL is the future of education!

Would you like to try out a FREE PBL lesson using our online platform? Then check out our marketplace and get your learner’s problem-solving journey started now.