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Lesson 3 - Creating Introductions and Scenarios with ChatGPT

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ChatGPT Lesson 3

Workshop Scenario:

Please think of yourself in the following scenario as you complete this workshop.

As you complete this course, I want you to imagine that you are an instructional designer at a top e-learning company. You are tasked with designing a comprehensive e-learning course on customer service skills for a large retail chain. You are confident that you can deliver the project on time.

However, one week into the project, the retail chain reaches out to you to explain that, due to unexpected events, they need the course completed in half of the time to roll out the training to their employees as soon as possible.

You understand the urgency of the situation and the importance of the training for the retail chain. But you have never created a course of this size, this quickly before. As you have progressed through the 24/7 Teach workshop, you have developed effective ChatGPT prompts that helped you develop effective learning objectives in record time. Your next step is to create effective prompts that generate lesson introductions and scenarios that motivate your learners to engage in your course.

Your Objective:

By the end of this lesson you should be able to do the following: 

  • Understand the characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality lesson introductions and scenarios, including clarity, relevance, and creativity.

  • Apply strategies to improve ChatGPT prompts and generate quality lesson introductions and scenarios that align with specific learning objectives.

  • Evaluate the quality of ChatGPT prompts and the resulting lesson introductions and scenarios, and self-assess if additional prompting or adjustments to the ChatGPT results are necessary to make iterative improvements.

Important Questions to Answer While Reading:

In order to be successful in this lesson, you must be able to answer these important questions.

  • What are the characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts?

  • Evaluate the quality of ChatGPT prompts and the resulting lesson introductions and scenarios

Lesson 3: 

3.1   The Importance of Introductions and Scenarios

When designing an effective lesson, a good introduction and a real-world scenario can establish engagement, context, and relevance for the learner, which is important because they help to capture the learner’s attention and interest in the topic.  Learners who are engaged and interested in the lesson content are more likely to be motivated to learn and  retain the information presented.

Contextualizing the lesson content and relating it to real-world scenarios can help learners see the practical applications of what they are learning and how it can be useful. This also helps learners connect new information to their prior knowledge, making it easier to understand and remember.

Additionally, establishing relevance helps learners understand why the topic is important and how it relates to their personal and professional goals. This can help learners stay motivated and engaged throughout the lesson, leading to more successful learning outcomes.

By incorporating these tools, instructional designers can develop lessons that promote higher-order thinking and advances the learners' thinking. Learners can connect the lesson content to their personal experiences, engage in additional dialogue, and develop a deeper understanding of the topic being covered.

3.2   Essentials of Effective Introductions and Scenarios

Good introductions should have the following key essentials:

  1. Attention: Grabs the learner's attention

  2. Relevance: Establishes the relevance of the lesson to the learner

  3. Context: Provides any necessary background information to help the learner understand the lesson

Good real-world scenarios should have the following key essentials:

  • Personal: Relates to the learner's personal experiences or interests

  • Relevant and Realistic: Provides a relevant and realistic context for the lesson content

  • Practical: Demonstrates the practical application of the lesson content in a real-world situation

  • Value: Allows the learner to see the value and importance of the lesson content

3.3   Strategies to Prompt ChatGPT for Introductions and Scenarios

3.3.1   Introductions

Template: Here’s a sample prompt template to produce quality introductions:

Write an attention-grabbing introduction to a lesson about the importance/value of [lesson topic, audience, and context].

For example, instead of prompting ChatGPT to do the following:

Prompt A. “Write an introduction to a lesson about dogs”

You can prompt ChatGPT with the following:

Prompt B. “Write an attention-grabbing introduction to a lesson about the value of being knowledgeable about dogs for first-time dog buyers.”

Pro-Tip: The introduction generated from this prompt is often short. Follow up with a statement like: “Write a longer introduction.” You will be able to use part of both responses to create an engaging introduction. From personal experience, if you simply ask ChatGPT to write a long, engaging introduction, the results are not as good as using the template and the follow up. To improve the clarity and accuracy of ChatGPT's responses, instructional designers may need to provide additional prompts or information. 

Additional prompts can: 

a) provide context 

b) use specific language 

c) break down complex questions into smaller and more specific questions 

d) ask for examples

e) ask follow up questions

Directions: Think about how Prompt B can better help ChatGPT generate an introduction that 1) grabs the learner’s attention, 2) is relevant to the target audience, 3) provides necessary context for the learner

3.3.2 Scenarios

Template: Now, here’s a sample prompt template to produce quality scenarios:

Write an engaging scenario using a real-world problem in which [audience] would need to apply knowledge and skills of [lesson].

For example, instead of prompting ChatGPT to do the following:

“Write a scenario for a lesson about dogs”

You can prompt ChatGPT with the following:

“Write an engaging scenario using a real-world problem in which first-time dog buyers would need to apply knowledge and skills of being knowledgeable about dogs.”

3.4 Practice

Using the introduction prompt template below, rewrite Prompt A to create a better introduction prompt. Then compare your prompt with the prompt used for this lesson.

Introduction Prompt Template: Write an attention-grabbing introduction to a lesson about the importance/value of [lesson topic, audience, and context].

Prompt A: Write an introduction to a lesson about introductions and scenarios.

Closing Assessment:

Now that you have reached the end of this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  • Understand the characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality lesson introductions and scenarios, including clarity, relevance, and creativity.

  • Apply strategies to improve ChatGPT prompts and generate quality lesson introductions and scenarios that align with specific learning objectives

  • Evaluate the quality of ChatGPT prompts and the resulting lesson introductions and scenarios, and self-assess if additional prompting or adjustments to the ChatGPT results are necessary to make iterative improvements.

Assessment Question:

Click the tab below to respond to the following assessment question.

  1. Explain the characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality introductions and scenarios for lessons.

See this form in the original post

Discussion Question:

Connect with the 24/7 Teach community by posting your discussion question responses in the comment section below.

  1. Can you think of a time when an AI system like ChatGPT could have been helpful in creating effective lesson objectives? How would ChatGPT have helped in that situation?