Dos and Don'ts of Formative Assessment

An Instructional design case study


90 minutes

Problem Statement

We want to change the way people approach learning and make learning more equitable in the process.Give educators professional development for neuro teach formative assessment.

Overall Objectives

To help educators understand and utilize formative assessments.

Success Criteria

Educators will use formative assessment in their setting.

Course Evaluation Meter

Assessment questions, discussion questions, and learners will create a formative assessment.

Branding Elements

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the role of observational and qualitative data in conducting high-quality formative assessments, and learn how to create opportunities for student reflection and meta-cognitive thinking to improve learning outcomes.

  • Develop an understanding of the importance of prior knowledge in learning, and learn how to effectively assess what students already know before starting a new unit through formative assessment techniques.

  • Learn how to implement frequent, low-stakes formative assessments in the middle of a unit to provide feedback to students and adjust teaching, and avoid high-stakes assessments that can impact grades and hinder learning.


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