+About the School...

WHAT IS A 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY LAB SCHOOL? 24/7 Learning Academy Lab Schools are learning environments designed and operated by 24/7 Learn and are dedicated to research-based instruction and furthering innovation, entrepreneurship, and social justice in education. We do everything a traditional school does; we just do it differently.


  • An onsite and virtual lab school
  • 15 to 1 onsite student/teacher ratio
  • One on one and small group instruction
  • Personalized and project based learning
  • A rigorous curriculum guided by national educational standards
  • Constant access to educational support
  • PSAT, SAT, ACT Test Prep and College preparation
  • Professional skills and certificates
  • Internships and apprenticeships
  • Multiple programs for various types of learners

IS 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY A GIFTED SCHOOL? No, we do not consider ourselves a school just for gifted learners. We admit learners of differing academic abilities and believe we can effectively serve learners of all skill levels. Services for gifted learners can include but are not limited to:

  • Accommodations in classroom settings
  • Part-time assignment to both regular and special classes and curriculum
  • Full-time grouping with students of similar abilities
  • Acceleration or grade advancement

WHAT GRADES AND HOW MANY SEATS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE ONSITE MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM? Our inaugural year, started August 2017, we offered up to 15 onsite seats and 5 virtual seats for learners ages 11 to 16, grades 6th - 10th available. Each subsequet year we will add one additional grade level so that the oldest students can continue leading the school: The 2018/19 school year will be age levels 11 - 17, the 2019/20 school year will be ages 11 - 19.

IS 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY A PRIVATE SCHOOL? Yes, 24/7 Learning Academy is all of the following: private school, independent school, lab 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are a brick-and-mortar and virtual school associated with 24/7 Education group and we are located in Orlando, Florida. Because we are a private school, we are able to experiment with a new model of education, which we are working to make accessible to communities around4the world. We view ourselves as a private school with a public purpose.

IS 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY A MONTESSORI SCHOOL? We incorporate much of Maria Montessori's philosophy, however we are not a Montessori school. In addition to self-directed and mastery based learning, we also use the latest nteractive technologies, hands-on projects and the Socratic Method for discussions.

IS 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY A RELIGIOUS SCHOOL? No. We expose Learners to the importance of religious freedom and acceptance of differing beliefs, but we do not promote any specific religion.

IS THE 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY ACCREDITED? 24/7 Learning Academy offers accredated classes and diploma in partnership with Florida Virtual School.

WHERE SHOULD YOUR STUDENTS COME FROM? Our onsite program accepts learners from Orange and Seminole Counties, Florida. Our Remote program accepts learners from across the U.S. and the world. If you live outside of the U.S. and would like to attend the 24/7 Learning Academy Virtual School, please click here to contact us.

+About the students...

WHO DO WE SERVE? 24/7 Learning Academy currently serves learners ages 11 - 16, in grades 6th through 10th in the fall of 2017. We are expanding the ages and grade levels each year up to age 19. We are an independent school that serves learners and families committed to taking ownership of their education and being part of a new model of learning. Click here to Learn more about our application process.

WHO DOES WELL AT 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY? Families who understand our model and believe in our vision, and learners who are interested in being part of a pioneering lab school community.

CAN STUDENTS ACCELERATE TO A HIGHER GRADE LEVEL FASTER AT 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY THAN AT A TRADITIONAL SCHOOL? At 24/7 Learning Academy, we have Personal Learning Levels and multi-age activities instead of traditional grade levels. We don't group learners by age and date limits, we group them by personal learning levels as well as flexible academic groups. Learners get as much structure and support as they need to learn at their optimal pace. The program is designed so learners will stay in the same Personal Learning Level until they show mastery of the required learning objectives and can successfully advocate for his/her promotion.

DOES 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY SERVE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN? We are not trained to serve learners with serious learning disabilities, however we believe that many minor learning disabilities are commonly misdiagnosed. Each learner has their own individual learning needs, and we craft plans and programs to cater to those. For example, a remote educational program can be designed to serve learners that cannot be onsite. Click here to see our Future Leader (student) profile.

+About Tuition and Admissions...

WHAT IS OUR TUITION? Our onisite High School Tuition is $6,720 per year ($560 per month), our onisite Middle School Tuition is $6,360 per year ($530 per month), our highschool virtual school tuition is $5,000 per year ($416.66 per month), and our virtual middle school Tuition is $4,000 per year ($333.33 per month). Our goal is to serve all learners who apply. Billing options are 12-month, bi-yearly, and annually . If you are considering 24/7 Learning Academy but have already made a non-refundable down payment to another school, we will credit you for that amount (up to $1000).

SIBLING DISCOUNTS? We offer families a 40% tuition discount for the first sibling and 50% discount for additional siblings.

WHAT IS OUR REFERRAL PROGRAM? We offer up to $1000 or 15% of paid tuition per student as a referral fee to anyone who refers a learner. Click here for additional details

DO WE OFFER TUITION DISCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL AID? Discounts of 20% are available for annual tuition paid upfront and 10% for bi-annual tuition payments. 24/7 Learning Academy is dedicated to providing tuition assistance to qualified applicants. While our available tuition assistance may be limited, we encourage families who are experiencing financial hardship to still apply.

WHAT ARE THE ADMISSIONS FEES? There is a non-refundable $50 application fee for all applicants, and a $200 enrollment fee for all registered learners.

ENROLLMENT DEADLINES? We accept learners through a rolling admissions process, and admit students year-round.

WHY AN AUDITION INSTEAD OF AN APPLICATION? Each individual at 24/7 Learning Academy matters so we want to know who you are. The audition process is meant to be fun and to give you an opportunity to learn more about 24/7 Learning Academy and experience if 24/7 Learning Academy is right for you and your family.

HOW CAN I APPLY? You can apply here.

+About the Calender and SCHEDULE...

HOW LONG IS THE SCHOOL DAY?**Our school day lasts from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., every learner may stay for Extended Day from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.** and our flexible drop-off is from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. Our onsite and virtual school day takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday. Wednesday is a remote learning day focussed on internships, community service, and remote work. Click here to view Daily Schedule.

HOW LONG IS THE SCHOOL YEAR?**We have school throughout the year with breaks spread out over 12 months.** Please view our public calendar to see the scheduled breaks for the current school year. These breaks typically include a Thanksgiving break, a long winter holiday, a mid-winter break, spring break, an early summer vacation, and a late summer vacation. Since learners are at the center of the learning experience at 24/7 Learning Academy, we've created our extended year schedule with learners' health, wellness, and optimal learning in mind. Click here to view Yearly Schedule.

DOES 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY OFFER A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? We provide a traditional high school diploma, and a digital learning portfolio that details a Learner's educational accomplishments and journey.

+About Instruction and Methodology...

Our instructional methods are personalized, blended, and project based. Learners learn by doing, teaching, and through reflection. Our daily practices are based on the philosophy that repetition brings mastery and require Future Leaders (students) to:

  • Reading for an hour a day.
  • Writing for an hour a day.
  • Practicing Public Speaking 15 minutes per day
  • Practicing Mathematical thinking for an hour a day
  • Researching for 30 minutes per day
  • Web Development and Coding for 30 minutes per day
  • Participating in Socratic Discussion for 30 minutes per day
  • Participating in physical activities a minimum of 30 minutes per day
  • Participate in Projects a minimum of two hours per day

WHAT IS PERSONALIZED LEARNING? At 24/7 Learning Academy, "personalized learning" means that each learner's education is developed and shaped by the learner, working with our team. Whenever possible, the education experience is customized to the learners' academic path and pace. We leverage blended learning as an important tool in an effective personalized strategy.

WHAT IS BLENDED LEARNING? Blended learning happens when a portion of instruction is delivered via digital/online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace. Essentially, a portion of the traditional face-to-face classroom experience is replaced by educational web tools in order to provide students with a more personalized and self-paced learning experience. At 24/7 Learning Academy, the use of blended learning tools is always enhanced by guidance from an Advisor or Mentor, or Specialist.

WHAT IS PROJECT BASED LEARNING Project-based learning (PBL) is a dynamic classroom approach in which learners explore real-life, augmented, and virtual contexts to acquire a deeper knowledge of the material at hand. We strongly believe that learners learn best when their school experiences have context and are connected to their lives and global affairs. learners spend roughly half their time at 24/7 Learning Academy learning through projects, often of their own design informed by their Independence Level. All projects are interdisciplinary, and all projects connect to goals within our Graduate Profile (character strengths, cognitive skills, global citizenship, creation, purpose, independence, foundational fluencies, and deeper learning concepts).

WHAT ARE PERSONAL LEARNING LEVELS, AND HOW DO THEY WORK? At 24/7 Learning Academy, we have Personal Learning Levels and mixed-age activities instead of traditional grade levels. This means that instead of grouping learners by age and date cut-offs, we group them by Personal Learning Levels as well as in flexible project groups. Students get as much structure and support as they need to learn at their optimal pace. The program is designed so that learners will stay in the same Personal Learning Level until they show mastery of the required learning objectives and can advocate for his/her own promotion.

CAN PREPARATORY STUDENTS RECEIVE DUAL ENROLLMENT CREDIT? Yes, our learners can participate in dual enrollment and AP courses, through our partnership with Florida Virtual School and .

+About School Culture...

WHAT IS YOUR POLICY ON DISCIPLINE? The 24/7 Learning academy approach to discipline is a minimalist one and founded on common sense. We begin by instituting the fewest rules necessary to maintain a positive learning environment. Misbehavior is often merely the symptom of a deeper issue, so we proactively address potential disciplinary issues and will modify the curriculum, if necessary, to accommodate a learners needs. Most importantly, we treat our learners with respect which we have found solves, and even prevents, most disciplinary problems.

IS LUNCH PROVIDED OR DO STUDENTS BRING THEIR OWN LUNCH? WHERE DO STUDENTS EAT THEIR LUNCH? Learners will need to provide their own lunch. We have refrigerators, microwaves, and toaster ovens available if a learner needs to heat their food. Staff members will gladly assist learners with warming their food.

DOES 24/7 LEARNING ACADEMY OFFER ATHLETIC PROGRAMS? No, 24/7 Learning Academy does not have a formal athletic program, but under state law 1006.15, Learners can participate in all athletic programs offered by their local public school as long as they meet the eligiblity requirements.

Have Additional Questions?

Do not train children in learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.
— Plato