Help us Build the School of the Future

We are the 24/7 Learning Academy, an innovative new school that is opening in Orlando, Florida in August 2017. Through personalized and project-based learning our students will gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.

Our team of educators has over 75 years of experience, and we believe we've designed a school that will have a huge impact on students and communities across the country.

An essential part of the 24/7 Learning Academy is the ability to have both onsite and remote students learning and participating simultaneously within one classroom. With the right technology, we will have the opportunity to share our classroom and instruction with students across the globe. Both students and instructors can effectively engage in the learning process from any internet ready device, anywhere in the world, in real time.

However, financing the right technology for this is difficult. Inexpensive and widely available video conferencing resources currently exist, but they are insufficient for classroom use and experience a plethora of technical issues. We need something more robust and consistent to ensure students have active engagement and participation, regardless of their location.

We are looking to truly integrate remote students and educators through the use of the Cisco SX80 and SpeakerTrack System, a high definition video and microphone system that includes motion and sound-tracking. This technology will allow us to provide seamless access to our classrooms and instructors.

Families no longer have to be limited to the educational choices within their communities, and students no longer have to be subjugated to inexperienced teachers and inadequate instruction because of where they live.

We need your support; please donate today to help us raise the monies required to purchase this groundbreaking technology and help us share our classrooms and exceptional learning experiences with students and families from across the globe. We appreciate your support and all donations large or small are encouraged.

We are grateful to all donors, and we want you to see the impact of your gifts, so we are offering the following rewards for donations.

$500: You will receive 24/7 Learning Academy memorabilia, be listed as a Silver sponsor on our website and plaque at our school location. (The Bronze Donor Package)

$1,000: You will receive “The Bronze Donor Package” plus be acknowledged in a live class as a Gold Donor. (The Silver Donor Package)

$1,500: You will receive “The Silver Donor Package” and sponsor a cluster of 3 students and have feedback on their progress and receive a personal letter or video from each of them. (The Gold Donor Package)

$3,000-$5,000: You will receive “The Gold Donor Package,” plus sponsor a particular project that students complete annually, and the project will be named after you. A larger gift ($4,000 or more) will allow you to help select which project that you would like to sponsor. (The Platinum Donor Package)

$8,000 or over: You will receive “The Platinum Donor Package,” plus, we will name a program and Subject Area after you. (The Diamond Donor Package)

Donate today, and become a supporter of a school that is innovating education and changing the lives of its students. If you cannot afford to donate, please help us by sharing our campaign with your friends and family.

The 24/7 Learning Academy is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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