Lesson 5 - Creating Effective Assessments with ChatGPT


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Workshop Scenario:

Please think of yourself in the following scenario as you complete this workshop.

As you complete this lesson, I want you to imagine that you are an instructional designer at a top e-learning company, you are tasked with creating a comprehensive e-learning course on customer service skills for a large retail chain. However, you need to complete the course in half the time originally planned. While confident in your abilities, you have never created a course of this size and complexity in such a short timeframe.

Thankfully, you recently began a 24/7 Teach course on how to prompt ChatGPT. You have already learned how to prompt ChatGPT for creating learning objectives and lesson content. You are now eager to begin the next lesson that will teach you how to effectively prompt ChatGPT for generating effective assessment questions that align with the learning objectives.

This lesson will provide you with the necessary skills and strategies to leverage ChatGPT's capabilities to develop high-quality assessment questions that accurately measure the course's objectives. With the guidance and support of 24/7 Teach, you feel confident that you can deliver the e-learning course on customer service skills on time, without sacrificing the course's quality.

Your Objective:

By the end of this lesson you should be able to do the following: 

  • Explain how ChatGPT can be used to generate effective assessment questions that align with learning objectives.

  • Create effective questions using the ChatGPT template.

Important Questions to Answer While Reading:

In order to be successful in this lesson, you must be able to answer these important questions.

  • How can ChatGPT be used to generate effective assessment questions, and what are some best practices for prompting ChatGPT to do so?

  • What are some common types of assessment questions, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each type?

Lesson 5: 

5.1 Creating Effective Assessment Questions

ChatGPT can help instructional designers create effective assessment questions by using its artificial intelligence capabilities to generate questions that align closely with the learning objectives of the course or lesson. By providing clear and concise prompts, such as learning objectives and contextual information, ChatGPT can produce questions that are relevant, varied in format, and measure the intended learning outcomes. Additionally, ChatGPT can generate a large volume of questions quickly, making it easier to create assessments with a range of difficulty levels and formats. By leveraging ChatGPT in the assessment design process, instructional designers can save time and improve the quality of assessments, resulting in more effective and engaging learning experiences for learners.

Assessments are a critical component of any course, as they provide both instructors and learners with valuable feedback on learning progress and achievement. Well-designed assessments can not only measure learning outcomes, but can also promote active learning and help learners retain information. However, creating effective assessments can be a challenging task, and requires careful consideration of various factors. One of the most important factors is the design of assessment questions. Effective assessment questions are clear, concise, and accurately measure the intended learning outcomes. In this lesson, we will explore the characteristics of effective assessment questions, and how to use ChatGPT to create assessments that accurately measure learner progress and promote engagement.

Effective assessment questions should be:

  1. Aligned with learning objectives: Assessment questions should align with the specific learning objectives of the course or lesson to ensure that learners are being evaluated on the skills and knowledge they are expected to acquire.

  2. Relevant: Questions should be relevant to the material being taught and should assess important concepts or skills that are central to the learning objectives.

  3. Clear and concise: Questions should be written in clear, concise language that is easy for learners to understand.

  4. Varied in format: Assessment questions should be varied in format to test different types of knowledge and skills, such as recall, application, analysis, and synthesis.

Using ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for generating assessment questions that meet these criteria. When ChatGPT is prompted with clear learning objectives and contextual information, it can generate questions that are closely aligned with the specific goals of the course or lesson. Additionally, ChatGPT can provide a range of question formats, making it easier to assess different types of knowledge and skills. By leveraging ChatGPT in the assessment design process, instructional designers can save time and improve the quality of assessments, resulting in more effective and engaging learning experiences for learners.

5.2 Types of Assessments

Before we dive into using ChatGPT for creating assessments, it's important to review the different types of assessment questions that are commonly used in education. There are a variety of assessment question types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s discuss the most common types of assessment questions, including multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions.

Multiple choice questions are one of the most commonly used question types in assessments. They are popular because they are easy to grade and can effectively test a wide range of knowledge levels. However, crafting effective multiple choice questions can be challenging. The key to designing effective multiple choice questions is to ensure that each answer option is plausible, and that the correct answer is not too obvious or too obscure. ChatGPT can be a useful tool for generating plausible answer options that match the intended learning outcome.

True/false questions are another commonly used assessment question type. They are often used to measure basic knowledge or comprehension. Effective true/false questions should be clear and concise, with only one true or false statement per question. They should also be designed to measure the intended learning outcome, and not just test random knowledge.

Short answer questions are a more open-ended question type, and can be useful for testing a student's ability to recall facts or explain concepts in their own words. However, they can also be difficult to grade, and require a lot of time and effort on the part of the instructor. ChatGPT can help by generating short answer questions that accurately measure the intended learning outcome, and providing an efficient way to grade the responses.

Essay questions are the most open-ended of all assessment question types, and are often used to test higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Effective essay questions should be clear and well-structured, and should provide enough guidance to the student to ensure that they are answering the question correctly. ChatGPT can assist in generating essay questions that are well-structured and relevant to the intended learning outcome.

By understanding the different types of assessment questions and how to design effective questions, you can use ChatGPT to generate assessments that accurately measure learner progress and promote engagement. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, you can streamline the assessment creation process and spend more time on other important aspects of instructional design. So, get ready to take your assessment practices to the next level with ChatGPT!

5.3 How to Effectively Prompt ChatGPT to Create Assessment Questions

Now that we've reviewed the different types of assessment questions, let's dive into how to effectively prompt ChatGPT to create high-quality questions that accurately measure learner progress.

Aligned with Objectives: First and foremost, it's important to ensure that the learning objectives are clearly defined and understood before attempting to use ChatGPT. This will help ensure that the questions generated by ChatGPT align with the desired learning outcomes.

Clear and Concise: Next, it's important to provide clear and concise prompts to ChatGPT that accurately reflect the intended learning outcome. This means using appropriate keywords and context to guide ChatGPT towards generating relevant questions.

Difficulty Level: Additionally, it's important to consider the difficulty level of the questions being generated. ChatGPT has the ability to generate questions of varying levels of difficulty, so it's important to provide clear guidance on the desired level of difficulty for the questions being generated.

Diversity: Another key factor to consider is the diversity of the questions being generated. ChatGPT has the ability to generate questions from a variety of perspectives and contexts, so it's important to provide clear guidance on the desired diversity of the questions being generated.

By providing clear and concise prompts to ChatGPT and carefully considering the learning objectives, difficulty level, and diversity of the questions being generated, you can create high-quality assessments that accurately measure learner progress and promote engagement.

Difficulty levels for questions can vary depending on the context and the specific learning objectives being assessed. However, there are generally three broad categories of difficulty levels for assessment questions:

Easy: Questions that test basic recall or understanding of information, and have a clear and straightforward answer.

Medium: Questions that require some critical thinking or application of knowledge to solve, and may have multiple correct answers or require some analysis.

Difficult: Questions that require complex reasoning, analysis, or synthesis of knowledge, and may have multiple steps or require the learner to integrate information from different sources.

It's important to consider the difficulty level of the questions being generated by ChatGPT to ensure that they are appropriate for the intended audience and learning objectives. One way to ensure that you are providing clear guidance on the desired difficulty level is to use Bloom’s verbs throughout each step when prompting ChatGPT . This can help ChatGPT generate questions that meet your specific needs.

So, let's move on to the next section and start exploring how to effectively prompt ChatGPT to create assessment questions that meet these criteria!

5.4 Create a Template

Now that you have learned about creating effective assessment questions, it's time to put your knowledge into practice.

Directions: Create your own prompt template for ChatGPT when creating assessment questions. When creating your template, consider the characteristics of a good template (aligned with learning objectives, clear and concise, specifies difficulty level and proper context).

This activity will help you apply what you've learned and develop your own approach to crafting effective assessment prompts. So, get ready to flex your question-writing muscles and create a prompt template that can be used to evaluate a variety of knowledge and skills!

  • Learning objective: [Insert the learning objective here]

    Context: [Provide relevant context for the question]

    Type of question: [Choose the type of question you would like ChatGPT to generate, such as multiple choice, true/false, short answer, etc.]

    Difficulty level: [Indicate the desired difficulty level for the question, such as easy, medium, or difficult]

    Desired diversity: [Indicate the desired diversity of the question, such as a different perspective, context, or cultural perspective]

5.5 Test Your Template

Great job on creating your own template to prompt ChatGPT for generating assessment questions! Let's put it to the test.

Directions: Use your template to generate assessment questions on the topic of "Understanding the caretaking needs of various dog breeds for first-time buyers." Remember to create questions for different levels of difficulty. If any of the generated questions require further revision, prompt ChatGPT with specific language to improve the quality of future results.

Closing Assessment:

Now that you have reached the end of this lesson, you should know the following:

  • How can ChatGPT be used to generate effective assessment questions, and what are some best practices for prompting ChatGPT to do so?

  • What are some common types of assessment questions, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each type?

Assessment Questions

Click the tab below to respond to the following assessment questions.

  1. What characteristic makes up an effective question?

  2. How can you effectively prompt ChatGPT to create high-quality questions?

Discussion Questions:

Connect with the 24/7 Teach community by posting your discussion question responses in the comment section below.

  1. Discuss the potential limitations of using ChatGPT for creating assessment questions. What steps can an instructional designer take to mitigate these limitations and ensure that the questions generated are appropriate and aligned with the course content?

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