Lesson 2 - Creating Objectives with ChatGPT


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Workshop Scenario:

Please think of yourself in the following scenario as you complete this workshop.

As you complete this lesson, I want you to imagine that you are an instructional designer at a top e-learning company. You are tasked with designing a comprehensive e-learning course on customer service skills for a large retail chain. You are confident that you can deliver the project on time.

However, one week into the project, the retail chain reaches out to you to explain that, due to unexpected events, they need the course completed in half of the time to roll out the training to their employees as soon as possible.

You understand the urgency of the situation and the importance of the training for the retail chain. But you have never created a course of this size, this quickly before. Fortunately, you have started the 24/7 Teach workshop and now you understand the benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT to create a course. The next step in your design process is to develop appropriate ChatGPT prompts in order for you to develop effective learning objectives for your course.

Your Objective:

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to do the following: 

  • Understand the characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality learning objectives

  • Apply strategies to improve ChatGPT prompts to generate quality learning objectives.

Important Questions to Answer While Reading:

In order to be successful in this lesson, you must be able to answer these important questions.

  • What are characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality learning objectives?

  • How can I improve ChatGPT prompts to generate quality learning objectives?

Lesson 2: 

2.1 Importance of Lesson Objectives

Creating objectives before creating a lesson is important for several reasons:

  1. Provides focus: Objectives help to focus the lesson on specific learning outcomes. This ensures that the lesson is designed to achieve specific learning goals and that all activities and assessments are aligned with those goals.

  2. Helps with assessment: Objectives provide a clear set of criteria for assessing whether students have achieved the desired learning outcomes. This helps instructors design assessments aligned with the objectives and provide meaningful feedback to students.

  3. Increases motivation: Clear and specific objectives can motivate students by providing a clear sense of what they will learn and how they will benefit from the lesson.

  4. Improves communication: Objectives provide a common language for communication between instructors, students, and other stakeholders involved in the learning process. This can help to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the purpose and goals of the lesson.

Overall, creating objectives before creating a lesson helps to ensure that the lesson is well-designed, effective, and aligned with the desired learning outcomes.

2.2 Essentials of Lesson Objectives

Good objectives should have the following key characteristics:

  1. Specific: Objectives should be clear and precise, stating exactly what the learner will be able to know or do after completing the lesson.

  2. Appropriately Rigorous: Objectives should be appropriately challenging so that learners are engaging with the material at the appropriate level of cognitive complexity.

  3. Measurable: Objectives should be measurable so that learners and instructors can determine whether or not the objective has been achieved.

2.3 Strategies to Prompt ChatGPT for Lesson Objectives

ChatGPT can be an incredibly useful tool for instructional designers who need to create lesson objectives quickly and efficiently. However, as with any tool, it's important to use ChatGPT effectively to achieve the desired outcomes. Simply asking ChatGPT to generate lesson objectives without carefully considering the prompts provided can result in ineffective or inappropriate objectives that don't align with the learning outcomes. Therefore, instructional designers need to understand the principles of writing effective prompts that ChatGPT can use to generate high-quality objectives. Here are some strategies to consider when developing lesson objective prompts for ChatGPT:

  • Context: Provide context about the audience and the lesson in your prompt

  • Bloom’s: Ask ChatGPT to include Bloom's verbs in the objective. Aligning objectives with Bloom's Taxonomy can help ensure your objectives have appropriate rigor and that your assessments help measure whether the learner has met the learning goal

  • Variety: Consider including the number of objectives you are looking for in your prompt. This technique will ensure you have a variety of objectives to choose from, especially if you are planning to have multiple lessons

2.4 Objectives Prompt Template

Here’s a sample prompt template to produce quality lesson objectives:

Using Bloom’s verbs, write [number] of learning objectives for a [class type] for [audience] on [lesson topic] for/to [purpose].

For example, instead of prompting ChatGPT the following:

 “Create a lesson objective about dogs”

You can prompt ChatGPT with the following:

“Using Blooms verbs, write 1 objective for a beginner-level class on animal behavior for pet owners to understand the different types of dogs and their behaviors.”

Pro-tip: If you are struggling to rewrite a prompt, you can ask ChatGPT to use the template above to rewrite your prompt using the following template:

Rewrite this objective ("Create a lesson objective about dogs") using the following template: Using Blooms verbs, write [number] of learning objectives for a [class type] for [audience] on [lesson topic] for/to [purpose].

2.5 Practice

Two prompts, Prompt A and Prompt B, were given to ChatGPT, asking for learning objectives about a lesson on how to use ChatGPT. Look at some of the objectives that were provided in the sample ChatGPT responses below.

Directions: As you review, think about which set of objectives would be easier to create assessment questions from.

Prompt A:

Objective 1: To introduce participants to the basics of using ChatGPT for educational purposes.

Objective 2: To help participants understand the strengths and limitations of using ChatGPT for educational purposes.

Objective 3: To provide participants with practical strategies for using ChatGPT to create effective lesson plans, including how to align prompts with learning objectives, incorporate multimedia elements, and evaluate results.

Prompt B

Objective 1: Define the concept of ChatGPT and explain how it can be used to enhance instructional design, including how to generate text, select prompts, and refine results. (Remembering)

Objective 2: List the benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in instructional design, including how to ensure accuracy and engagement. (Understanding)

Objective 3: Apply ChatGPT to design an effective and engaging learning experience that aligns with specific learning objectives. (Applying)

Directions: Look at the Prompt A text below. Use the Objectives Prompt Template to rewrite Prompt A. Then compare your response with the Prompt B text in the dropdown.

Prompt A: “Write objectives for a workshop on using ChatGPT to create effective lessons”

Objectives Prompt Template: Using Bloom’s verbs, write [number] of learning objectives for a [class type] for [audience] on [lesson topic] for/to [purpose].

  • Prompt B text:  

    “Using Blooms verbs, write 5-7 objectives for a workshop for instructional designers on the basics of using ChatGPT to produce effective lessons”

    Why Prompt B’s Objectives are easier to create objectives

    Overall, Prompt B’s objectives are easier to create assessment questions from because the Bloom’s verbs focus on what the learner should do rather than what the instructor will do and because Prompt B’s objectives provide specific details regarding the content

    For example, in Objective 1, Prompt A focuses on “introducing” participants to the basics. How do you know when the participant has been introduced? On the other hand, you can use the exact wording in Prompt B to create a clear, aligned assessment asking participants to explain how Chat GPT can be used to enhance instruction.

    Additionally, the specific details provided in Prompt B for Objective 2 provide clear content to assess, such as listing the benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT.

Get a Head Start!

Take this opportunity to experiment with learning objectives prompts for your project topic.

Closing Assessment:

Now that you have reached the end of this lesson, you should know the following:

  • The characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality learning objectives

  • How to improve ChatGPT prompts to generate quality learning objectives 

Assessment Questions:

Click the tab below to respond to the following assessment questions.

  1. Explain the characteristics of effective ChatGPT prompts that generate quality learning objectives

  2. List a few strategies to improve ChatGPT prompts to generate quality learning objectives.

Discussion Question:

Connect with the 24/7 Teach community by posting your discussion question responses in the comment section below.

  1. Can you think of a time when an AI system like ChatGPT could have been helpful in creating effective lesson objectives? How would ChatGPT have helped in that situation?

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