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Lesson 1 - Intro to ChatGPT

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ChatGPT Lesson 1

Workshop Scenario:

Please think of yourself in the following scenario as you complete this workshop.

As you complete this lesson, I want you to imagine that you are an instructional designer at a top e-learning company. You are tasked with designing a comprehensive e-learning course on customer service skills for a large retail chain. You are confident that you can deliver the project on time.

However, one week into the project, the retail chain reaches out to you to explain that, due to unexpected events, they need the course completed in half of the time to roll out the training to their employees as soon as possible.

You understand the urgency of the situation and the importance of the training for the retail chain. But you have never created a course of this size, this quickly before. You’ve heard about how ChatGPT can help instructional designers save time in developing courses. After a little research, you reach out to 24/7 Teach to get a crash course on how to generate course content quickly using ChatGPT without compromising the quality of the learning experience.

Your Objective:

By the end of this lesson you should be able to do the following: 

  • Explain the concept of ChatGPT and how it can be used to enhance instructional design. 

  • List the benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in instructional design. 

Important Questions to Answer While Reading:

In order to be successful in this lesson, you must be able to answer these important questions.

  • What is ChatGPT?

  • Why use ChatGPT in Instructional Design? 

  • What are the benefits of ChatGPT?

  • What are the limitations of ChatGPT?

Lesson 1: 

1.1 What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence program developed by OpenAI that has transformed the field of instructional design. Think of it as talking to a knowledgeable robot that can hold a conversation. This revolutionary tool imitates human-like conversation by using natural language processing to generate responses to questions posed to it. ChatGPT's machine learning algorithm is trained on vast amounts of data, including books, articles, and web pages, giving it a broad knowledge base to respond to a wide range of questions. In other words, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for generating content quickly and efficiently for instructional designers.

1.2 Why Do Instructional Designers Need ChatGPT?

As the field of instructional design evolves, instructional designers can benefit from using ChatGPT to enhance their ability to create effective and engaging learning experiences for their learners. As the field of instructional design evolves, emerging technologies such as ChatGPT can provide personalized and interactive learning content, making the instructional design process more efficient and effective. ChatGPT can assist in generating ideas and content for a course, providing quick feedback, and responding to learners' questions.

Without learning how to utilize ChatGPT, instructional designers risk being left behind in the industry as new tools and technologies emerge, making their skills less competitive. They may also be less efficient and effective in creating learning experiences, which could lead to decreased demand for their services. By knowing how to use ChatGPT, instructional designers can increase learner engagement and success, as well as enhance their ability to create high-quality learning experiences in record time.

1.3 Benefits for Instructional Designers

For instructional designers, ChatGPT provides numerous benefits. ChatGPT can be used to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. By incorporating the tool into their courses, instructional designers can create a more dynamic and immersive learning environment for their learners. This can help to increase learner engagement and motivation, leading to better learning outcomes. 

  1. Time-saving & idea generation: One of the most notable advantages of ChatGPT is its ability to generate quick responses to questions. This feature can be especially useful in helping instructional designers generate lesson ideas and course content. By automating the content generation process, ChatGPT can also help save instructional designers valuable time and effort. This can be a significant advantage, as it allows designers to focus on other critical aspects of course design, such as refining the learning objectives or developing engaging activities.

  2. Personalized learning: Instructional designers can use ChatGPT to create engaging and personalized learning experiences for their learners. They can leverage ChatGPT ‘s natural language processing capabilities to personalize the learning experience for each learner. By understanding the learner's preferences and needs, ChatGPT can generate content and activities that align with their learning goals and cater to their specific learning style.

  3. Simulation creation: ChatGPT can assist instructional designers in generating a scenario or situation that mimics real-world experiences for learners to apply their knowledge and skills. If an instructional designer can provide ChatGPT with a specific topic or subject area, ChatGPT can generate potential scenarios that are relevant and engaging to learners. This can save instructional designers time and ensure that the scenarios are diverse and inclusive. Additionally, ChatGPT can provide instructional designers with suggestions for different scenarios that can enhance learning experiences.

  4. Diversity and inclusion: ChatGPT can help instructional designers to produce more diverse and inclusive learning materials by providing alternative perspectives and insights. It can offer a range of examples and scenarios that reflect the diversity of learners and help create an inclusive learning environment. In addition, ChatGPT can suggest language that is more inclusive and help identify potential biases in the content.

  5. Adaptive learning: Instructional designers may need to create learning paths that cater to learner's unique needs, abilities, and preferences. ChatGPT can help instructional designers create adaptive learning experiences that adjust to the learner's needs and pace, resulting in a more effective and efficient learning process.

  6. Quality improvement: ChatGPT can assist instructional designers in improving the overall quality of their learning materials. With the help of ChatGPT, instructional designers can review and revise their content before finalizing it. It can provide feedback and suggestions for improvement, such as pointing out unclear instructions or confusing wording. By using ChatGPT to continually assess and improve the quality of their learning materials, instructional designers can ensure that the learning experience is effective and engaging for their learners.

1.4 Limitations

While ChatGPT offers many benefits for instructional designers, there are also some limitations to consider:

  1. Potential for inaccuracies: ChatGPT's responses are generated based on its training data, which can sometimes lead to inaccurate or biased responses. As a result, instructional designers must do their research prior to generating content in order to quickly spot inaccuracies. Instructional designers must also carefully review and fine-tune the output to ensure accuracy. 

  2. Limited content expertise: ChatGPT's knowledge is limited to the topics covered in its training data. Therefore, it may not have the domain expertise required for specialized, obscure, or technical subjects. As a result,  instructional designers still need  to have background knowledge or expertise on the topics. 

  3. Lack of creativity: ChatGPT can generate responses based on patterns in its training data, but it cannot generate truly creative or innovative ideas that require human intuition and imagination.

  4. Lack of emotional intelligence: ChatGPT is not capable of understanding human emotions or empathy. Therefore, it cannot establish or substitute personal connections with learners.

1.5 Conclusion

Overall, ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful tool for instructional designers. By understanding what it is and how it works and what its benefits and limitations are, designers can take advantage of its capabilities to create more effective and engaging learning experiences for their learners.

1.6 Workshop Project

At the end of this workshop, you will complete a project in which you will create prompt templates for ChatGPT to generate content for a lesson, including learning objectives, a real-world scenario, an introduction, lesson content, and assessment questions. As you progress through the workshop, think about what lesson topic you can select and how you can apply the provided strategies to your lesson. It is recommended that you pick a topic that you know well, so you can verify the information generated by ChatGPT.

This workshop provides tips on how to prompt ChatGPT to produce content quickly. Be sure to go through each lesson in this workshop in order to complete this project successfully and efficiently.

Closing Assessment:

Now that you have reached the end of this lesson, you should know the following:

  • What ChatGPT is and how it can be used to enhance instructional design

  • The benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in instructional design

Assessment Questions:

  1. Explain the risks that instructional designers face if they do not learn how to use ChatGPT.

  2. Summarize the benefits and limitations of ChatGPT for instructional designers.

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Discussion Questions:

Connect with the 24/7 Teach community by posting your discussion question responses in the comment section below.

  1. Describe a situation that you have experienced that ChatGPT could have helped with. How could using ChatGPT have changed the outcome?

  2. Explain how you think ChatGPT could enhance your own instructional design process.