Lesson 4: The Need for Collaboration


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Lesson 4 Scenario:

Imagine yourself in the following scenario:

You are a student pursuing a career in aviation. You have almost completed your technical training and will soon enter your on-the-job training. However, during a training simulation, you had a miscommunication with your team that could have led to unsafe conditions for the aircraft and passengers. You realize that while you have learned the technical skills necessary for the job, you haven't had much experience with the communication skills required for the position. You speak with your supervisor, who advises that you take an English 101 course hosted by 24/7 Teach to help you become an effective professional communicator.


Your next step is to learn about the impact of collaboration in the digital age and its significance in different areas of your life.

After reviewing how to organize, evaluate, and cite your sources, you’re now interested in learning the best ways to share your newfound knowledge with others. This lesson will teach you about collaboration and effective collaborating tips you can use and incorporate into your life.

Lesson 4 - Objectives and Directions:

Objectives: After successfully completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the different roles authors and audiences can assume in collaborative environments. This includes recognizing the different roles people can have when they work together on something, like writing a story or creating a project.

  2. Explain how technology has facilitated connectivity and led to innovative collaborations. This includes understanding how technology has made it easier for people to connect with each other and work together in new and creative ways.

  3. Analyze the role of collaboration as an author and reader. This includes studying how collaboration affects both writers and readers.

  4. Evaluate the benefits and challenges of collaboration in the digital age and recognize its personal relevance and impact on your own life and pursuits. This includes recognizing how collaboration in the digital age can affect you personally and influence your own goals and activities.

Lesson 4 - Vocabulary:

  • Click on the button below to preview the essential vocabulary for this lesson. Once you complete the readings, you will need to correctly use at least 3 vocabulary words in your assessment or discussion responses, using the following criteria:

  • Include 2 vocabulary words in any of your written responses (assessment or discussion)

  • Include 1 vocabulary word in your audio or video response

  • In the assessment below, list the 3 vocabulary words you have chosen to use in your responses

Lesson 4 - Readings:

Your required readings for this unit will include chapters from the textbook, Everyone’s an Author, and supplemental excerpts, “How social media management can improve airline customer experience,” and “The Role of Collaboration in Innovation and Value Creation in the Aviation Industry.”

Click on each title below to read the text introductions and to access the links to the reading. Take notes as you read.

  • Welcome to Chapter 8, where we explore the power of collaboration. Collaboration in the digital age has become an essential aspect of various domains. In Chapter 8, we will expand on how collaboration offers opportunities for shared creation, knowledge exchange, and social engagement. You will read about several examples of collaboration facilitated by technology and explore how collaboration blurs the lines between authors and audiences. By the end of this chapter, you will learn and practice tips for collaborating effectively, focusing on task completion and group satisfaction.

  • Supplemental Reading 1 - “How social media management can improve airline customer experience” is a blog post that talks about the importance of social media usage in the aviation industry.

    Directions: Read the blog post. Click on the link below to access the full text.

    Supplemental Reading 2 - The Role of Collaboration in Innovation and Value Creation in the Aviation Industry” is an article published in SageJournals. This study investigated the role collaboration plays in the aviation industry and how it can create innovation and value.

    Directions: Read the study. Click on the link below to access the full text.

Lesson 4 - Journal Activity:

Write a journal entry responding to ONE of the following prompts. Click on the button below to submit your response.

  • Prompt A: In what ways do you think collaboration can enhance the quality of your writing?

  • Prompt B: Consider the challenges that may arise when collaborating online. Write about one challenge you might face and propose a solution or strategy to overcome it.


Lesson 4 - Assessment:

Click on the button below to submit your responses to the following questions. (For question 3, submit an audio recording*. See directions on how to record and submit your audio below.)

You may use the conversation starters found in the lesson directions to support your answers.

  1. What is the difference between collaborating as a student and as a working professional in your job field?

  2. Explain the role of an audience in a collaborative environment.

  3. AUDIO SUBMISSION*: In your opinion, Which effective collaborating tips do you find the most useful? Talk about a time you used them in your daily life.

Participate in our discussion below

Participate in our discussion below ↓

Lesson 4 - Discussion Activity:

Participate in our discussion by posting your responses to the questions in the comments section below. (For question 3, submit a video recording*. See directions on how to record and submit your video below.)

You may use the conversation starters found in the lesson directions to support your answers.

  1. Think about the reading and writing that you do regularly online—status updates, blog posts, wikis—everything. In what ways are you an author, and in what ways are you a member of an audience? To what extent does each activity involve collaboration with others, and how would it be different if there were no collaboration at all?

  2. In what ways can collaboration within the aviation industry be used to address emerging trends and challenges, such as sustainable aviation and the integration of new technologies?

  3. VIDEO SUBMISSION*: In your own words, describe the importance of social media monitoring in improving customer interactions and providing personalized responses.

    • How has this personally enhanced your digital customer experience with airlines?

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