Lesson 5: Unit 1 Project
Lesson 5 Introduction
Welcome to the Unit 1 project that aims to develop your research, critical thinking, and communication skills. These skills are essential for success in any career, where effective communication and the ability to present well-supported arguments are integral to professional growth and impact. This project consists of two parts:
Creating an annotated bibliography.
Crafting a strong argument on a selected aviation-related topic.
Embrace this opportunity to enhance your research and communication capabilities, and enjoy the journey of exploring aviation-related topics, engaging in critical analysis, and honing your persuasive skills. Let's embark on this project and unlock your potential as a professional and communicator.
Prefer to listen to directions? Use the audio file below.
Lesson 5 Scenario:
Imagine yourself in the following scenario:
You are a student pursuing a career in aviation. You have almost completed your technical training and will soon enter your on-the-job training. However, during a training simulation, you had a miscommunication with your team that could have led to unsafe conditions for the aircraft and passengers. You realize that while you have learned the technical skills necessary for the job, you haven't had much experience with the communication skills required for the position. You speak with your supervisor, who advises that you take an English 101 course hosted by 24/7 Teach to help you become an effective professional communicator.
You are near the end of your first unit, and your supervisor has noticed that your professional communication skills have improved significantly. Your supervisor has asked you to briefly share your position on an important and controversial aviation topic at the quarterly company meeting next week. It’s time to put together all of the skills you have learned in Unit 1 to make an impact in your organization.
Lesson 5 - Objectives:
Objectives: After successfully completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Analyze and evaluate the rhetorical situation, credibility, and argument of texts from opposing viewpoints.
Apply your understanding by adapting and writing a strong argument for an audience you know.
Analyze and evaluate the rhetorical situation, credibility, and argument of the argument in your own argument.
Unit 1 - Project Directions
Part 1: Write an annotated bibliography using the directions below.
Select one of the aviation-related topics below:
Green Aviation (fuel efficiency and the environment)
Airline safety
Airline dynamic ticket pricing
Airline regulation
Impact of pandemic on the airline industry
Research a variety of texts making an argument on the topic you have selected.
Create an annotated bibliography using 2 texts with opposing views on the topic you have selected. Your texts may be from the same genre, or you may use different genres, such as a news article or a social media post.
Each citation entry must include the following:
An MLA citation (use the textbook as your citation reference)
Include a link if you are using an online text
Each annotation must include 4 paragraphs with the following:
Paragraph 1: Summarize the text
Paragraph 2: Analyze the rhetorical situation: (Ch 2)
Discuss the intended audience, purpose, stance, and context of the piece.
Examine how the medium and design influence the message's effectiveness and engagement.
Paragraph 3: Analyze the credibility of the text (Ch 22)
Is the author credible? Explain.
Is the publisher or url credible?
Is it cited in other works? Are these sources academic?
Paragraph 4: Analyze the argument of the author (Ch 11)
Does the author provide an explicit position? What is it?
Does the author indicate the importance of the topic? How?
Does the author provide good reasons and evidence? What are some examples?
Does the author address more than one point of view? What are they?
Does the author use an authoritative tone? Explain.
Does the author appeal to readers’ values? How?
Your annotation responses should be written in complete sentences. Your sentences should flow in logical order.
Part 2: Write a strong argument for the topic you selected above.
Choose the position you will argue. Use the source or sources from your research with the most credibility and the strongest arguments.
Pick an audience you know and an appropriate genre/medium and rhetorical situation to share your position. Your audience could be your boss, a coworker, your family, or school peers.
Write your argument to fit your audience and rhetorical situation.
In a separate paragraph, analyze your writing. Explain:
Who is your audience? What is the genre, medium you selected?
Why is the rhetorical situation you selected appropriate?
How did you make your argument credible?
How did you make your argument strong?
Project Submission:
Upload your Unit Project below.