Why are all 24/7 Teach Instructional Designers trained on how to use ChatGPT, and so should you!

By: Anthony Miller

24/7 Instructional Designer and Recruiter


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Supercharge Your Instructional Design Career - Harness the Power of ChatGPT.


As an experienced instructional designer and AI enthusiast, I've seen firsthand the transformative impact that cutting-edge technologies like ChatGPT can have on our industry. In this post, I will guide you through leveraging ChatGPT and 24/7’s AI-Instructional Design Assistant in your instructional design practice, sharing the best practices, pitfalls to avoid, and why incorporating AI can boost your chances of getting hired. Are you ready to become an in-demand instructional design pro? Let's dive in!

1. Understanding ChatGPT and Its Potential:

ChatGPT is a powerful AI language model that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. This groundbreaking technology can potentially revolutionize how instructional designers create content and engage learners. ChatGPT can help you deliver highly personalized and engaging learning experiences, from generating course materials to providing on-demand support.

2. Best Practices for Using ChatGPT in Instructional Design:

a.Our Instructional Design Team Starts with Clear Objectives: To make the most of ChatGPT, begin by defining the learning objectives for your course or module. This will help you focus your AI-generated content on critical topics and ensure it aligns with your instructional goals. It also helps to create learner personas, so you can better understand the needs and motivations of your target audience. You'll make engaging and impactful learning experiences by tailoring your content to specific learner personas.

b. We constantly practice using prompts effectively: When working with ChatGPT, providing clear and concise prompts is essential to generating relevant and impactful content. You'll discover the optimal approach for your specific use case by experimenting with different prompt styles and phrasings. To unlock the power of ChatGPT for instructional design, we encourage you to enroll in our complimentary mini-course: ChatGPT Prompting for Instructional Designers.

Our training specifically focuses on the following:

  • Craft effective prompts for diverse learning objectives

  • Optimize your prompts for maximum AI-generated value

  • Tailor your prompts to suit the unique needs of your learners

  • Troubleshoot common issues and improve your prompting techniques

c. Iteration and refinement are constant within our design processes: Like any AI tool, ChatGPT may not always generate the perfect response on the first try. Be prepared to revise and refine the content, using your instructional design expertise to ensure the final output meets your learners' needs.

d. AI-generated content is always blended in with our expertise: While ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for generating content quickly, it's essential to balance AI-generated content and your instructional design insights. Use ChatGPT as a starting point, and then apply your expertise in learning theory to tailor the content for your targeted learners.

3. Pitfalls We Avoid When Using ChatGPT:

a. Relying solely on AI: ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it should not replace your instructional design skills and expertise. Remember that AI-generated content should be seen as a supplement, not a replacement, for your professional judgment and insight.

b. Ignoring content accuracy: Although ChatGPT can generate human-like content, it may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Always verify the information generated by the AI, especially when dealing with complex or rapidly evolving subject matter.

c. Overusing AI-generated content: While ChatGPT can create engaging content, it's important not to overuse it in your instructional design projects. Strive to maintain a balance between AI-generated content and other forms of learning materials to provide well-rounded learning experiences. Balance and purpose should always be first and foremost in terms of your designs.

4. Why All Instructional Designers Should Be Using ChatGPT

a. Enhanced productivity: Our Instructional Design team and students have learned that ChatGPT can save them time and effort by quickly generating the content, supporting SME (subject matter experts) resources, and allowing them to focus on other aspects instructional design, such as learner engagement and assessment development.

b. Personalized learning experiences: AI tools like ChatGPT help us create highly personalized learning experiences, tailoring content to individual learners' needs and preferences. This can lead to increased learner engagement and improved learning outcomes.

c. Staying ahead of the curve: We have learned that as the instructional design field evolves, incorporating cutting-edge technologies like ChatGPT helps our Instructional Design team, and students stay competitive and enhance their skills to compete in a very competitive market. Employers increasingly seek instructional designers well-versed in AI and other emerging technologies.

5. How Using ChatGPT Helps Our Students Get Hired as Professional Instructional Designers

a. It showcases their adaptability: By incorporating ChatGPT into their instructional design projects, they demonstrate their ability to adapt to new technologies and stay current in the rapidly evolving field. Employers, in some cases, don’t see traditional educators as being good at adapting to change outside of the classroom. They value candidates who can keep up with industry trends and leverage cutting-edge tools to create compelling learning experiences.

b. They Stand out from the competition: Utilizing AI tools like ChatGPT in your portfolio projects will help you differentiate yourself from other instructional designers. This unique skill set can catch the attention of potential employers and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

c. Their efficiency is Improved: ChatGPT helps our Instructional Design team and students streamline their content creation process and optimize your workflow, allowing them to take on more projects and deliver better results in less time. Employers appreciate instructional designers who can work efficiently without compromising on quality, and that is a key training point for us


Using AI tools like ChatGPT and 24/7’s AI-Instructional Design Assistant in instructional design is no longer a distant dream—it's a reality. By harnessing the power of AI, you can supercharge your instructional design career and create unforgettable learning experiences for your learners.

To make the most of ChatGPT, remember to follow best practices, avoid common pitfalls, and strike a balance between AI-generated content and your instructional design expertise. Doing so will demonstrate your adaptability, stand out from the competition, and increase your chances of getting hired as an instructional designer.

Don't let the AI revolution pass you by. Embrace the power of ChatGPT and elevate your instructional design practice to new heights. Your learners—and your career—will thank you!

At 24/7 Teach, we take pride in our proven track record of training and collaborating with countless instructional designers, including many who transitioned from classroom teaching roles. Our instructional design bootcamps and personalized career coaching services are guaranteed and consistently deliver exceptional results, boasting a 100% success rate. If you're ready to embark on a rewarding career as a professional instructional designer, don't hesitate to contact us. We're eager to discuss your options and demonstrate how our expert-led bootcamps and tailored coaching services can propel you to success in the instructional design field.

Invest in your future with 24/7 Teach and unlock your true potential.

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