Module 5: The Superstar Experience


Directions: Please watch the video. As you go through the module, complete all activities.


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By The End Of This Module, You Will:

  • Define the characteristics of a 24/7 Teach Superstar.

  • List the benefits of being a Superstar.

  • Review elements of the Performance Evaluation.

  • Complete onboarding tasks and set up portfolio.



5.1 The 24/7 Teach Superstar

At 24/7 Teach, we consider everyone on our team to be a Superstar. As a Superstar, you embody the company’s core beliefs of identifying, developing, and promoting excellence in individuals and organizations. You are committed to experiential learning and strive to create value with your new knowledge and skills.

Your official title reflects your department (e.g., Instructional Design Superstar). Throughout the program, you'll enhance your Superstar qualities, positively impacting your career and your team's.

Key Benefits of the Superstar Role

The multiple benefits you’ll receive as a 24/7 Teach Superstar include:

  • Permission to include 24/7 Teach as an employer on your resume.

  • A recommendation letter and LinkedIn recommendation.

  • Lifetime access to the 24/7 Teach Superstar network.

  • Experience with complex, real-world projects.

  • Growth in your field that increases your marketability.



5.2 Performance Evaluation

To review team members’ progress, 24/7 Teach regularly conducts performance evaluations. Team members are rated on how they operate within a team and as a professional. Evaluations occur on the following schedule:

  • Learners are evaluated at the end of their program.

  • Staff are evaluated annually.

Evaluation Categories

Directions: Click on each category to view what it measures.

  • Measures the effectiveness of your communication, including your ability to:

    • Give and receive clear, constructive, actionable feedback

    • Advocate for yourself, team members, and 24/7 Teach

  • Measures attendance and participation in individual, team, and company-wide meetings

    • Measures application of knowledge and skills in projects and problem-solving

    • Measures quality and skill of work produced

  • Measures time management, including:

    • Prompt arrival at meetings

    • Task prioritization

    • Meeting deadlines

    • Active participation

    • Self-reflection




Examine where you currently are on your professional journey. What do you think is your biggest challenge in becoming a superstar?


To answer, complete the form below.



5.3 Superstar Learning Presentation

At the end of your 24/7 Teach journey, you will present a final project demonstrating what you’ve learned. This project empowers you, helping you to: 

  • Set goals.

  • Apply knowledge.

  • Display skills.

  • Impress prospective employers.

Your learning presentation showcases your growth and skills, setting you up for career success.



5.4 Portfolio Setup

As a 24/7 Teach team member, you will create a professional portfolio of all your group and individual projects. This portfolio showcases your work, helping you get interviews, and ultimately, a job.



5.5 Superstar Task Checklist

Directions: Place a check in each box below after completing the task.




Directions: Answer the question, typing your answer in the Comments box below. Then respond to other members’ comments with thoughtful remarks or fresh perspectives.

  1. How does the process of reflection contribute to personal and professional growth?

  2. Read other members’ comments and respond with thoughtful remarks or fresh perspectives.

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