Module 1: Becoming a Visionary
Become a Visionary by understanding 24/7 Teach’s Hedgehog Concept and developing your own.
Directions: Please watch the video. As you go through the module, complete all activities.
By the End of This Module, You Will Be Able to:
Understand and analyze the three components of the Hedgehog Concept
Articulate a written summary of your personal Hedgehog Concept
Apply understanding of the 24/7 program components to a real life scenario
Reflect on how your Hedgehog Concept can position you to be sought after in your chosen career
1.1- The Hedgehog Concept
Click to enlarge.
When they created 24/7 Teach, its founders followed a success model called the Hedgehog Concept. Business guru Jim Collins discussed this model in his book Good to Great.
The Hedgehog Concept states that successful companies must understand and focus on three key areas:
Be the best in the world at something: Focus on what you can truly excel at.
Drive your economic engine: Understand what creates sustainable profits for you.
Be deeply passionate about it: Do what you genuinely care about.
1.2 - Knowledge Checkpoint
Directions: Using what you learned from the reading, complete the Knowledge Checkpoint Below.
Click to enlarge.
1.3 - 24/7 Teach’s Hedgehog Concept
To achieve success, 24/7 Teach formulated our own Hedgehog Concept. When new team members join us, we encourage them to define and hone their own.
What does this look like in action? See below how other 24/7 team members propelled themselves to success using their own Hedgehog Concepts.
1.4 - Pause & Reflect
Now it’s your turn to think about your personal Hedgehog Concept. Please complete the form below.
What are your driving passions?
What skills do you bring to your new role?
What reward do you seek by working with 24/7 Teach?
1.5 - Program Components
The 24/7 Teach program offers a variety of valuable resources designed to support team members in their journey toward success. These components include:
Self-paced, asynchronous modules for learning and practicing new skills.
Weekly meetings with peers, learning coordinators, and/or team leaders to review course content and receive project feedback.
Opportunities for both individual and group projects that address real-world challenges.
Engagement with 24/7 community members through hands-on project work.
A chance to grow within a diverse and supportive community.
1.6 - Apply
Please complete the activity below.
Problem: You begin your journey at 24/7 Teach and encounter the program and organizational components. At first, you get nervous and wonder how to ensure you meet all the requirements.
How do you stay motivated and disciplined while learning and, in some cases, working independently? Can you share an example of when you completed an independent project in a place of uncertainty?
1.7 - The Supermarket Concept
When he was in school, CEO Justice Jones learned a valuable lesson about putting theory into practice. Watch the following video to see how this experience helped shape 24/7 Teach’s mission.
1.8 - 24/7 Teach’s Mission and Vision
Founded in 2014, 24/7 Teach is dedicated to eliminating global education and training inequities within the next 25 years.
24/7 Teach’s objectives are to:
Transform education and training into a Launchpad for scalable businesses, the development of wealth-creating assets, and thriving learning communities.
To be an industry leader in creating and delivering online experiential learning programs that equip learners with practical skills, knowledge, mindset, and habits for success, empowering them to learn, create, and change the world.
Identify, Develop, and Connect Superstar Teens, Adults, and Organizations for mutual success.
24/7 Teach’s vision is to create a world where all learners, regardless of background, are empowered with the knowledge and resources to become successful entrepreneurs, owners, and value creators.
1.9 - Module Wrap-Up
Answer the following question by typing your answer in the Comments section below.
How will your personal Hedgehog Concept and 24/7 Teach's Vision help you create immediate value in your role and guide you to have a successful career?
Read other members’ comments and respond with thoughtful remarks or fresh perspectives.